
The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education

Síolta - Introductory handbook


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Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (2003b). Research Strategy - A Work in Progress. Dublin: Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education.

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Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (2004b). Insights on Quality - A National Review of Policy, Practice and Research relating to Quality in Early Childhood Care and Education in Ireland 1990-2004. Dublin: Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education.

Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education (2004c). Making Connections - A Review of International Policies, Practices and Research relating to Quality in Early Childhood Care and Education. Dublin: Centre for Early Childhood Development and Education.

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Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform (2004). Developing Childcare in Ireland - A Review of Progress to End 2003 on the Implementation of the Equal Opportunities Childcare Programme 2000-2006. Dublin: Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform.

Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs (1998). Strengthening Families for Life: Final Report of the Commission on the Family to the Minister for Social, Community and Family Affairs. Dublin: The Stationery Office.

Government of Ireland (1999a). Programme for Prosperity and Fairness. Dublin: The Stationery Office.

Government of Ireland (1999b). National Development Plan 2000-2006. Dublin: The Stationery Office.

Kiernan, G. and Walsh, T. (2004). The Changing Nature of Early Childhood Care and Education in Ireland. Irish Educational Studies, Volume 23, No. 2, pp.1-18.

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National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc. (2004a). Family Day Care Quality Assurance (FDCQA) Handbook (2nd edition). Australia: National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc.

National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc. (2004b). Family Day Care Quality Assurance (FDCQA) Quality Practices Guide (2nd edition). Australia: National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc.

National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc. (2004c). Family Day Care Quality Assurance (FDCQA) Self-study Report (2nd edition). Australia: National Childcare Accreditation Council Inc. Accessed at: http://www.ncac.gov.au/index_ pages/publications_index.html,
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National Economic and Social Forum (2005). Early Childhood Care and Education - Report No. 31. Dublin: National Economic and Social Forum.

National Qualifications Authority of Ireland (2005). Awards in the Framework: Placement of 'Existing and Former Awards'. Dublin: National Qualifications Authority of Ireland.

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